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March 17, 2023
International Women’s Month is a global celebration in honor of the contributions women make to our society, culture, economics, and more. We’re using this month to spotlight some of the phenomenal women that we’ve gotten the opportunity to work with over the years.
Meet Koral Casillas and Michela Ricci, the co-owners of Monsoon Market located in Phoenix, Arizona
Monsoon Market brings Phoenix the coolest curations of natural wine, unique pantry items, smokewear, fresh flowers, gifts, and so much more. We love shopping at Monsoon Market to support indie-businesses, woman-owned businesses, and our local small business community! We got the chance to chat with Koral and Michela, and are so stoked to share part of our convo – Keep reading to learn more about the founders of Monsoon Market!
“So much of the market was conceptualized over a shared joint between us. We’ll set aside time on admin days to get stoned together and dream up new fun ideas for the market. We like to be in the clouds, it allows us to get more creative and to think without limits. Some of our best ideas have come from these smoke sessions! We try to destigmatize being a stoner in business. You might see us sharing a j outside of the shop on a slow Tuesday night. We’ll probably show up to your business smelling a little dank. That’s just who we are, and that's totally okay!”
“As people who’ve been smoking for many years, we know what works for us and what doesn’t. We’re both high-functioning cannabis users. We’ll smoke a bowl and then clean our whole house, get through our to-do list and clean up our email inbox. But we also use cannabis to wind down at the end of the day, much like a glass of wine.”
“For the both of us, we would tell our younger selves to follow every passion that pulls you. For too long, we chased what traditional success and career paths looked like. You’re far more dynamic and creative than you think! Consistently seek out ways to be inspired, curious and go against the grain. We want to live interesting lives, not perfect ones.”
We want to be proof that you can do hard things. And evidence that you can open a successful business without the financial investors that some might think necessary. It shouldn’t be as surprising to people as it is that we created Monsoon Market without a silent partner. We’re proud to be a women-owned indie business and we want to see more of that in Phoenix!
Stop by Monsoon Market located at 3508 N 7th St Suite 140, Phoenix, AZ 85014 and visit their website here.
Meet Audrey Roy, the founder and Director of Partnerships for Hazy Los Angeles
“Let’s all stick together. We are all in this for the love of the plant and normalizing plant medicine for the greater good. I know it can get competitive but at the end of the day we are all in this together. Let’s continue to treat each other with respect and pave the way for those to come after us.”
“Cannabis has been a huge part of my life for many years. Without it, I would have a tough time doing what I do on a daily basis. I am inspired every day by the plant and it urges me to keep pushing.”
“Don’t sweat the small stuff - I know it sounds cliche but it’s true. Nothing is as big of a deal as it seems at the time and everything is temporary. Enjoy life, have fun and cherish every moment. Even when things are tough!”
“I hope I can encourage women and young leaders to take the leap and trust themselves to dive head first into entrepreneurship. The unknown can be really scary but the reward of pushing through is always worth it.”
Inquire and learn more about Hazy Los Angeles here.
Meet Traci Lukemire, the owner of Donna's Delicious Dozen in Columbus, Ohio
Donna's Delicious Dozen is a locally owned and operated donut shop that makes all of their donuts to order! They offer a variety of icings, drizzles, and toppings to choose from – When visiting Donna's Delicious Dozen, visitors can either choose from their delicious menu items or create their own donut! We’ve had the pleasure of partnering with Traci and got to chat with her about her experience as a female entrepreneur – Read more below!
“My inspiration for Donna's came from my family! I was in the corporate world and I knew I was not being the best wife or mother I could be. And to become so, I knew I had to make some changes. We would always visit little donut shops on vacation, and came across this concept. I knew this was something I could do! So after a few years of planning, Donna's was born!”
“Actually before I started Donna's I had never used cannabis. With a very bad neck, and traditional medicine failing, and surgery really not being an option, I had to look into alternative ways to relieve pain. After researching the benefits of cannabis in edible form, I was able to get my life back and withstand the MANY hours that are required to run my business.”
“Your gut is usually almost always right. Money is not everything. Experience over stuff. Everybody has shit they are going through, so you are not alone. Trust yourself. You are not perfect, but you are perfect to your people!”
“Be somebody who treats everybody like somebody, it is more important than anything else!”
Visit Donna’s Delicious Dozen located at 5322 N Hamilton Rd, Columbus, OH 43230 and visit their website here.
Meet Jordan Williams, the owner of Homebody Hands massage in Missouri
Jordan is a massage therapist, yoga teacher and reiki practitioner. At Homebody Hands, Jordan thoughtfully weaves together all of her practices to help others create a home within their body. We had the pleasure of getting to know a little more about Jordan and her practice – Learn more below!
“I want to help people feel at home in their own body, whether they're recovering from trauma or just feel a disconnection with themselves. We all have a body, but the stressful non-stop world often forces us to spend more time in our head, over analyzing our emotions and experiences rather than being curious about how they're physically manifesting. I wanted to create a space for people to slow down and foster that connection with self. Our issues live in our tissues, so I love being able to help people find stress relief through touch.”
“Always keep going. Heck, I need to tell myself that often! I feel like it's easy for women entrepreneurs in any industry to feel defeated when things don't go as expected, because it already feels like there's so much working against you just by being a woman who wants to do her own thing. Keep jumping over every hurdle on your track.”
“For someone whose work is helping others relax, I can be pretty high strung when it comes to my business. Cannabis helps me relax, take a step back and look at the bigger picture. It helps me reframe the moment, and remember that nothing is perfect so I don't have to be either.”
“Don't ever let anyone outside of YOU dictate YOUR feelings, dreams, desires, anything. Also, never let another person take your peace from you.”
“That it's ok to stray from the path of what's considered typical or normal. There's space for everyone to win, so you may just have to wander off the path to find your space.”
Visit to schedule an appointment and learn more.
We feel honored to share a community with industry-leading, female entrepreneurs who are committed to pushing the status quo. Join us this International Women's Month as we celebrate women’s achievements and raise awareness to help drive gender parity.
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